Roses of Szőreg

Short description:

Growing of the rose of Szőreg has more than one hundred years long past and unique traditions in Hungary. Growing roses need a lot of work and special knowledge and it is done by family farms with more generations. The Roses of Szőreg represents a unique quality due to its frost tolerance and long flowering period. Nearby Tisza-Maros, owing to the appropriate soil and climate conditions, the gardening culture has already formed in the 19th century. The gardeners were tobacco producers in the beginning, and then they became ornamental plant and fruit tree gardeners. The first rose garden was formed by Kálmán Pillich in 1871. The first gardener of Szőreg was Márton Kovács (1877-1956), judge, who moved from Újszeged to Szőreg in 1901. The traditions of growing and the special knowledge are transmitted from generation to generation in Szőreg. Growing of 4-5 million rose-trees in a year shows the high proficiency of the farmers of Szőreg. In 2012, the Rosary of Szőreg also received an EU protected geographical indication. (OFJ).



Az érték a Hungarikum törvény 114/2013. (IV. 16.) Kormányrendelet a magyar nemzeti értékek és hungarikumok gondozásáról III. sz. mellékletének Hungarikum Bizottsághoz történő felterjesztésével és elbírálása által került a Hungarikumok Gyűjteményébe.

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